When You Send Your Spirit

June 11, 2011 § Leave a comment

Tomorrow is Pentecost Day.  We celebrate God’s gift of the Holy Spirit.  Psalm 104:24-35 praises the power of the Spirit in our midst.  When we refer to the Spirit, we always point to the Spirit’s work in the entire creation (and not only in and through human beings).  “When you send your Spirit, they (God’s creatures) are created, and you renew the face of the earth” (104:30).  Through God’s Spirit, God creates (104:24-26).  But more than that, God also cares for his creation through the work of the Spirit (104:27-30).  God’s continued creation and every day provision require a response of praise (104:31-35).  Pentecost is our opportunity to embrace the work of the Spirit in our midst and to celebrate its power in our lives and environment where we live.  Blessed Pentecost!

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