From Generation to Generation

September 14, 2011 § 1 Comment

Many churches are concerned about a decrease in participation from younger generations.  Unfortunately, many react to this challenge by resorting to attractional strategies.  They think they can attract more youth with programs and events that are more exciting and making young people more comfortable.  They think if they build it, they will come.  And sometimes that may even produce short-term results.  However, the challenge is much more relational than programmatic.  Modeling the Christian faith is an intergenerational task that require meaningful relationships between adults and young people.  Psalm 145:3-7 suggests that the greatness of the Lord (145:3) is communicated through speaking, meditating, telling, proclaiming, celebrating, and joyfully singing (145:5-7) in a setting where “one generation will commend your work to another” (145:4).  Do you have a meaningful relationship with a young person with whom you can celebrate the greatness of the Lord through meditating on his Word together, or singing together, or talking about the gospel together?

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