Under the Fig Tree

January 10, 2012 § 4 Comments

A fig tree plays a significant role in the transformation process of John 1:43-51.  Nathanael gets transformed from a skepticism about whether anything good can come from somebody of Nazareth (1:45) to a solid declaration that this somebody is in fact the Son of God (1:49).  How did this happen?  Apparently, what made all the difference, was the fact that Jesus noticed Nathanael while he was under the fig tree (1:48).  Regardless of what he was doing under the fig tree (the fig tree was traditionally a place associated where the Rabbis study the Torah), it was the fact that he was noticed by somebody that made the difference.  There is a personal touch to Jesus’ outreach to Nathanael.  Nathanael was not just another number in Jesus’ effort to gather enough disciples.  Jesus was not simply looking for yet another volunteer to help him out.  He saw Nathanael in all his uniqueness and was truly interested in him as a person.  People feel empowered and valued for their unique contributions when others don’t treat them as objects of their agendas.  Will you and I notice others under the fig tree today?

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